
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Have You Seen My Hair?

When I was 17, I had enough hair to rival Hermione Granger. I was "admiring" my first college ID the other day, and aside from the fact that I looked really young, the only real difference between then and now is the incredible amounts of hair I had before hypothyroidism struck. When I first started complaining about my hypothyroid symptoms 7 years ago, my hair falling out in hunks was one of the most disconcerting; I was finding more hair collecting in my sink after one morning than I previously cleanws out of my brush in a month. Even medicated, it's still pretty bad, though the rate of loss has slowed. I miss having really thick and lush hair.

But, to make matters worse, earlier today, my mom pointed out that I have a large cropping of white hairs. I noted the first a few years ago, and named him Fred. Then, his twin, George, showed up, followed quickly by Bill. Percy, Ron, Ginny, Arthur, and Molly are now accounted for. It's rather irritating, actually. I'm 26! I am not ready to have the hair of a pre-menopausal woman!

I figure I have 3 choices:
  1. Leave it the way it is; let nature take its course and look 50 by my 30th birthday.
  2. Pull those suckers out and further decrease my current follicle count.
  3. Dye it. I've always been told I have the complexion of a redhead... Let's test that theory out.
I'm taking votes, though the likelihood I will do anything more than pout is unlikely.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Red. You did it years ago and it looked good. It was a sort of medium auburn. But I would also say leave it alone for a few more months and see if those few stray white ones are all you'll get for a while (although, using myself as a barometer, not too likely. It's Grandpa Nick's genes.)

    1. Maybe they will magically turn red on their own!

  3. Embrace them. I had tons, including a nickle-sized white trauma spot. It's a losing battle.

    1. Losing battle is right. I always said I wanted to just let it do its thing, but I might be willing to play after awhile ;-)

  4. Hello Kyra. Just stumbled across your blog today. I came across your Mexican beef recipe which I plan to try. Anyway, I noticed that you suffer from Hashimoto's - so do I. I can relate to how you feel. I was diagnosed two years after giving birth to twins. Let's see, I was in my early 30's at the time. Now I am 54 and feel worse than ever. I just wanted to ask if you have heard of thyroid medicine called Tirosint? I haven't tried it yet, but I think I've tried them all. Armour, Synthroid, Cytomel, etc. Went back on Synthroid on highest dose 200mcg. Never feeling normal. I think only certain drs prescribe Tirosint, but the reviews are amazing. They say you actually have to have your dose lowered cause unlike Synthroid this medicine actually works. Hope you get this message anyway try googling it - it's worth a try. As this disease progresses I have gotten used to being overweight and not feeling well. It actually feels like I'm dying. Also I recently read about a supplement called Biox-4. One of the ingredients is ECGC or green tea extract. 100 mg with each meal or a total daily dose of 300 mg. I've seen it listed in other weight loss pills, some that had clinical trials to back them up. My husband wants me to try a supplement called Actalin but the reviews weren't as great as some others. Well good luck and I hope you get relief soon. I joined this blog. If you're interested my blog is I haven't posted much since 2009, because I wanted the blog to be for my daughter's, so they can easily find family recipes. I hope to post more in the future though. Lately I have been crocheting. Taking it one day at a time.

  5. Also, about the hair loss, I still am losing hair. Mine was near the part at the front and in the back the part goes further down. I love to cook and I hate it too cause I'm always shedding. The thing I miss the most though is my eyebrows. They are almost nonexistent. I have to draw them on but over the years it gets harder to fill them out with a pencil or powder. But I can grow a hell of a mustache and beard!! Definitely hormones. Thank goodness my husband doesn't mind my shaving, lol. My twin boys are 22 and just now getting decent hair on their face and I always joke to them about mine. (,,I don't go out in public without shaving it off, lol). That sounds terrible, but its true. OMG!!
