
Monday, August 20, 2012

The Novel

I am closing in on finishing the novel. As of last night, I had 106,000+ words, and I still have some pretty major events/scenes to write. This is incredibly exciting for me; I have written two other novels, and neither of them have been this long, or this marketable (at least in my opinion). And, for the first time, I am actually thinking "this could happen. This story could make it."

So, I have been considering the next step, the difficult step... The one that is a heck of a lot harder than just writing the dumb thing and work shopping it... Getting it published.

The plan is, as of right now:

  • Finish the book this weekend (Argh!)
  • Workshop (I am hoping I can foist it on some friends for some good feedback)
  • Write a query letter (ugh)
  • Send out query letters (blah)
  • Hope for results.
If I receive no bites, I guess it's time to start attending writers' conferences (blah....). The big one in Seattle isn't until the end of next June, so I suppose I have plenty of time to get over my anxiety of A) going to that sort of event and B) having to act social.

Which means, in about a week, all of my anxiety can be focused on the query letter (I'll worry about the workshop business after I get some feedback). I hate bragging about myself, and I have no idea how to sell anything to anyone, much less a story.

Anyone have any suggestions? Know any agents who are DYING to get their hands on an epic fantasy? Publishers looking for fresh meat? If so... send them my way, and I will send you a box of kitchen sink cookies!


  1. I will be happy to beta-read for you. :) Just send it my way whenever you're ready for it to be read. :)

  2. Hahaha I as well will beta read! ;-)

  3. Pretend you are extolling someone else while bragging on yourself. And how come I only got 90,000 of those 106,000 so-far words? What happened next? You're making me crazy!
